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Match Entry and Weigh-in Arrangements

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Match Day Arrangements

If you are intending to fish any of the matches please abide by the following arrangements.

Please adhere to the two meter social distancing.


Please ensure you have the correct entrance money (£10 senior, £2 junior).  There will be a collection bucket for entrants to drop their money into and have their name recorded as entered. That money will then be bagged safely and stored.

Once everyone has paid, the Match Secretary will draw each number from the magic bag in order of payment (i.e. first to pay will be first out the bag and so on). As soon as you have been allocated a peg number make your way to the peg as normal.

The Brendon Car Park is big, so please try to keep the two meter social distancing.

The weigh in.

We will be using weighing in cradles if available (or a suitable alternative if not).

The weigh in will need to be done by the same two people in each section one weighing one writing down, we will be seeking two volunteers from each section.

The angler empties their fish into the cradle and steps back to a distance of two meters.  The weigh Team take it from there and as is normal inform the angler of their weight.  The person weighing the fish will release the fish as well, no passing the sling to the person who caught them.

Do not follow the weighing in team!

Prize giving

The prize money issued will have been in storage for at least two weeks (months in the case of the first match!).

If you are really worried bring a seal-able plastic bag and the Match Secretary will place the money into the bag whilst you hold it, you can seal it, and leave for at least three days.
